

The Montes Family Legacy: Four Generations of Cathedral Graduates
The Montes Family Legacy: Four Generations of Cathedral Graduates

When Matthew Montes walked across the stage on May 15, 2021 to receive his high school diploma from Cathedral, he became the 15th man in his family to graduate from the all-boys school.

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Bishop Mark Invited Guests to Celebrate the Catholic Ministry Appeal with a Fiesta!
Bishop Mark Invited Guests to Celebrate the Catholic Ministry Appeal with a Fiesta!

Bishop Mark Seitz opened up his home on May 27 for a fun evening of fellowship. The “Fiesta at Bishop’s” was held as a thank you for continued support during the difficult months of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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The Catholic Foundation Launches The Clergy Corner
The Catholic Foundation Launches The Clergy Corner

The Clergy Corner, tailored for ordained ministers in the Diocese of El Paso, will help welcome parishioners back to church life, and provide ongoing support to our bishop, priests, and deacons.

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La Fundación Católica Lanza el "Clergy Corner"
La Fundación Católica Lanza el "Clergy Corner"

El “Clergy Corner”, dirigido a ministros ordenados de la Diócesis de El Paso, ayudará a darle la bienvenida a los feligreses a la vida de la Iglesia, y proveerá apoyo continúo a nuestro Obispo, sacerdotes y diáconos.

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2021 Ordination to the Priesthood
2021 Ordination to the Priesthood

The Most Rev. Mark Joseph Seitz, D.D., Bishop of El Paso, will ordain Wilbert Colas to the Priesthood on Friday, June 4, 2021 at 6:30pm at St. Patrick Cathedral in downtown El Paso.

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Cinco Nuevos Diáconos
Cinco Nuevos Diáconos

José William Arévelo Narváez, Astry Déraly, César García-Ortega, Edroud Jean y Sergio Legarreta Carrasco se acercaron un paso más a su ordenación sacerdotal del 2022 al ser ordenados diáconos transitorios

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Five New Deacons
Five New Deacons

José William Arévelo Narváez, Astry Déraly, César García-Ortega, Edroud Jean, and Sergio Legarreta Carrasco, moved one step closer to their 2022 priestly ordination when they were ordained transitional deacons.

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El Paso Street Sign Blessed, Honors Beloved Queen of Peace Parishioner
El Paso Street Sign Blessed, Honors Beloved Queen of Peace Parishioner

El Paso street signs tell great stories. Hawkins was named for the Hawkins Family, owners of Hawkins Dairy, Morehead after the pioneer banker who established State National Bank in 1881, and Ange, angel in French, the wife of Dr. J.A. McKinney, a prominent citizen of the 1880’s. One of the newest streets in our community is Elsa Maldonado Lane. Her story is inspiring.

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West Texas Saints and Angels
West Texas Saints and Angels

There have been many angels through the years who have supported West Texas parishes through their generosity and service, some of whom are no longer with us. As we celebrate twenty years of the Catholic Foundation, we remember and give thanks.

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We Want to Honor You!
We Want to Honor You!

The Catholic Foundation is celebrating 20 years of prayer, service, and giving. It’s time to celebrate! You’ve played a crucial role in the enduring history of the Catholic Foundation and we encourage you to participate in the storytelling and celebrations this year. We invite you to give a “Gift of 20” to your favorite endowed fund. You can leave a lasting legacy with a gift to your parish, school, ministry or charity fund, and create something special that will last forever.

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