The Catholic Foundation is a nonprofit community foundation established in 2001 that is committed to growing philanthropy in the Diocese of El Paso. The Catholic Foundation provides services to help parishes, schools, ministries, and institutions develop perpetual funding sources, exercises responsible stewardship of endowed funds through professional management and investment policies, promotes the unity of Catholic institutions and services throughout the Diocese of El Paso, and acts as an additional source of support for diocesan programs and services. The diocese includes 56 parishes, 17 missions, and 15 ministries in 10 counties of far West Texas.

The Catholic Foundation provides services to help parishes, schools, ministries, and institutions develop perpetual funding sources, exercises responsible stewardship of endowed funds through professional management and investment policies, promotes the unity of Catholic institutions and services throughout the Diocese of El Paso, and acts as an additional source of support for diocesan programs and services.

The Catholic Foundation manages six programs: 1) the Catholic Legacy Fund, the Catholic Foundation’s endowment program; 2) Progress Annual Ministry Appeal, which provides operational funds for diocesan ministries; 3) Planned Giving, which educates the Catholic community about end of life gifts and encourages donations through wills, bequests, insurance, and trusts; 4) the Grants Development Office which seeks foundation and corporate grants for ministries, schools, and parishes; 5) Stewardship, which promotes the principles “Pray, Serve, Give” through training and materials for schools and parishes, as well as the annual Foundation of Faith Event, and 6) the Catholic Foundation’s Scholarship Program, which supports the education of Catholic Foundation Scholars every year.

The Catholic Foundation makes it simple for the local Catholic community to practice Christian philanthropy in accordance with Gospel values and the socially responsible investing principles set forth by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.

When the Catholic Foundation launched in 2001, it raised $1 million in commitments for endowed funds, which are perpetual and protected assets of the Foundation. Since 2001, the Catholic Foundation has raised $22 million for endowment, approximately $2 million annually through the Progress Annual Ministry Appeal, and $1 million annually from outside grants.

The Catholic Foundation adopts a strategic plan to guide the development of the organization and fundraising efforts. Each year, the Catholic Foundation establishes goals for the Catholic Legacy Fund, Progress Annual Ministry Appeal, and Grant Development based on the near and long-term needs of the diocese. The immediate goal of the Catholic Legacy Fund is to grow the endowment to $25 million.

Yes. Gifts to the Catholic Foundation qualify for many corporate matching gift programs. Contact your employer for more information on matching gift programs. Please let us know as soon as possible if your gift is eligible for a matching gift and we will help you process any required forms. We also will acknowledge your employer in our annual report.

Donations to the Catholic Foundation for endowment can be designated for specific purposes and not utilized for any other purpose. In addition, donors can make undesignated contributions to the Catholic Foundation to provide permanent funds to meet the ongoing and priority needs of the Diocese. The Catholic Foundation manages over 100 separate endowed funds for schools, parishes, diocesan ministries, and related Catholic organizations.

The Catholic Foundation knows that it must be accountable for the funds in our care. We will report to donors at least annually, and more often if requested. We will publish an annual report each year that will include audited financial statements. We are committed to ensuring transparency and accountability.

The Catholic Foundation understands that it must be good stewards of the resources in our care. In this way, the Catholic Foundation raises funds for its own operating costs and focuses on keeping all costs to a minimum. The Catholic Foundation strives to maintain administrative expenses at less than 15% of the total funds raised for the Progress Annual Ministry Appeal. In addition, it hosts an annual Foundation of Faith Event to fund its operations.

The Catholic Foundation assesses a management fee on endowed funds based on the fund’s value from the previous year as approved by the Catholic Foundation’s Board of Directors. This fee is needed to help offset the cost of managing the Catholic Legacy Fund. Because our goal is growth, this rate is substantially lower than the rates assessed by other foundations.

The Catholic Foundation has an investment committee that makes recommendations to the Catholic Foundation Board of Directors. The Catholic Foundation’s endowed assets are invested for long-term growth according to the socially responsible investment guidelines of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB).

The Catholic Foundation has set a policy to distribute 4% of endowed funds based on the value of the fund at December 31 of the previous year. 4% is a conservative figure that allows the endowed funds to continue to grow even as distributions are made.

The Catholic Foundation is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors from El Paso and West Texas who have a diverse background of knowledge and skills. The Catholic Foundation Board serves as the stewards of the organization’s annual operating budget and endowment funds. The Catholic Foundation has a staff who manage the day-to-day operations and oversee grant development, Stewardship, Progress Annual Ministry Appeal, Planned Giving, and the Catholic Legacy Fund.

Receipts for income tax purposes acknowledging all contributions to the Catholic Foundation are mailed to donors each January.