

Seminarian Movie Night on April 10th to Premiere King of Kings
Seminarian Movie Night on April 10th to Premiere King of Kings

Join us for a family-friendly Seminarian Movie Night on the premiere of King of Kings at Alamo Drafthouse! Enjoy a fun-filled evening with Holy Week activities, songs, and special packs for the kids while supporting our Seminarians and their education fund. Meet the future priests of our diocese and contribute to their formation in a meaningful way.

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Building His Kingdom, Together: A Lenten Journey of Prayer, Fasting, and Almsgiving
Building His Kingdom, Together: A Lenten Journey of Prayer, Fasting, and Almsgiving

During this sacred season of Lent, we are called to prayer, fasting, and almsgiving—three powerful pillars that strengthen our faith and bring us closer to Christ. This year, with our Progress Annual Ministry Appeal theme “Building His Kingdom, Together,” we are reminded that Lent is not just a personal journey but a shared mission to transform hearts, uplift others, and build God’s Kingdom here on earth.

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Major Gift Officer Heads to Pecos, Monahans, and Kermit Texas in March
Major Gift Officer Heads to Pecos, Monahans, and Kermit Texas in March

Meet the Major Gifts Officer in March in Monahans, Pecos, and Kermit!

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Building His Kingdom, Together Launches in the Diocese of El Paso
Building His Kingdom, Together Launches in the Diocese of El Paso

The Catholic Foundation recently launched the 2025 Progress Annual Appeal with two kick-off events in El Paso and West Texas. These gatherings brought together Appeal Leaders, Pastors, and Administrators to energize support for this most critical effort of the Diocese. This weekend, diocesan parishes will make announcements about the Appeal at all parishes, with commitments on the weekends of February 1-3 and February 8-9. The Progress Annual Ministry Appeal is an annual campaign that funds 15 ministries across 10 counties in the Diocese of El Paso, made possible by the generosity of donors who transform their faith into action.

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Make the Sacred Heart Mission in Valentine, Texas Your Valentine!
Make the Sacred Heart Mission in Valentine, Texas Your Valentine!

As we approach Valentine’s Day, a time when love and kindness are celebrated in every corner of our lives, the Catholic Foundation for the Diocese of El Paso invites you to share your love in a way that will make a meaningful difference. This year, the Sacred Heart Mission in Valentine, Texas, is reaching out to our extended Catholic community to help bring warmth, hope, and compassion to help them with dire improvements to their parish like a new roof and indoor plumbing.

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Peace of Mind Catholic Giving
Peace of Mind Catholic Giving

With rising costs of everyday living essentials, we need to budget our personal finances more than ever. Many monthly bills like gas, water, and electricity can be made monthly using an automatic payment processing system. Automatic withdrawals ensure that your bills are being made on time. The same can be done for a donation. Our easy-to-use online payment management system allows you to create a recurring gift to a Catholic cause of your choice. 

Learn the five reasons why donating a small amount over time through a recurring gift can benefit you, the Catholic Foundation for the Diocese of El Paso, and our Catholic community.

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Annie Goes West
Annie Goes West

Our Major Gifts Officer, Analisa Cordova-Silverstein, will visit West Texas from January 23 to 26, 2025, to meet with parishioners and educate them about the Catholic Legacy Endowment funds the Catholic Foundation has for the parishes and missions in West Texas.

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Resultados de Asistencia en Misas Católicas 2024: Un Año de Crecimiento y Fe Renovada
Resultados de Asistencia en Misas Católicas 2024: Un Año de Crecimiento y Fe Renovada

Cada octubre, con el apoyo de la Fundación Católica, la Diócesis de El Paso convoca a todas las parroquias, monasterios, seminarios y capillas que celebran Vigilias del sábado y Misas del domingo a participar en un Conteo de Asistencia en Misa. Esta importante iniciativa anual captura valiosos conocimientos sobre las tendencias de asistencia, la demografía parroquial y las necesidades lingüísticas, ayudando a profundizar y expandir nuestra misión evangelizadora dentro de la Diócesis de El Paso.

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2024 Catholic Mass Attendance Results: A Year of Growth and Renewed Faith
2024 Catholic Mass Attendance Results: A Year of Growth and Renewed Faith

Each October, with support from the Catholic Foundation, the Diocese of El Paso calls upon all parishes, monasteries, seminaries, and chapels that celebrate Saturday Vigil and Sunday Masses to participate in a Mass Attendance Count. This important annual initiative captures valuable insights into attendance trends, parish demographics, and language needs, helping to deepen and expand our evangelizing mission within the Diocese of El Paso.

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St. Nicholas Christmas Generosity Tea
St. Nicholas Christmas Generosity Tea

Celebrate the joy of Christmas at our first ever St. Nicholas Christmas Generosity Tea.

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