You Could be Selected to Attend the United Nations Forum on Religious Tolerance
You Could be Selected to Attend the United Nations Forum on Religious Tolerance

Catholic Extension has joined the UN Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) to engage global youth in raising awareness of religious freedom and cultivating inter-religious respect with a campaign called #forSafeWorship.

Religious sites in every country are symbols of history, traditions, humanity, and community across the globe. They must be respected as places of peace and harmony where worshippers and visitors can feel safe.

Film a short, amateur video about a sacred space—big or small—and share its particular significance to you, its history, or the beauty it brings to the local community. All participants will be invited to a special discussion with UN staff that will be arranged by Catholic Extension in March 2021. One participant will be selected to attend a UN forum on religious tolerance in another country in the coming year! You may submit a video in any format — get creative!

Deadline for submissions is Friday, February 19 by 12 midnight EST. Videos should not be longer than 3 minutes. Anyone can submit a video.

Click here for more information and sample videos. Submit your video here.

The Diocese of El Paso has been a grateful beneficiary of Catholic Extension’s generosity for programs and operating support. For 115 years, Catholic Extension’s donors have provided over 12,500 grants to build and repair churches across the United States.

“We need to communicate with each other, to discover the gifts of each person, to promote that which unites us, and to regard our differences as an opportunity to grow in mutual respect.” — Pope Franicis, Fratelli Tutti (134)