We're Looking for the 2020 Steward of the Year!
We're Looking for the 2020 Steward of the Year!

We’re Looking for the 2020 Steward of the Year! The Foundation for the Diocese of El Paso invites the Catholic community to participate in the 3rd Annual Steward of the Year Contest—COVID-19 Edition. The Foundation will honor those who have continued to help pastors and parish administrators during these challenging times. We are looking for exemplary parishioners who have continued to pray, serve and give in the midst of the pandemic.

The 2020 Steward of the Year will receive special recognition at the 14th annual Foundation of Faith Event on September 17, 2020 and a dinner certificate for two. The winning parish will receive a cash prize of $1,000. If you know of someone who has made a difference at your parish during this unique time, please suggest the nominee to your pastor or parish administrator. Only pastors and parish administrators are allowed to nominate. Submission deadline: Friday, July 17.

Meet the Foundation’s 2019 Steward of the Year, Omar Ontiveros, pictured here with Stewardship Coordinator Karina Sandoval.

Omar was nominated by Fr. Saúl Pacheco, Pastor of San Pedro de Jesús Maldonado Parish. He said, “Omar and his wife, Ana, have four beautiful children and are all involved in the ministries at San Pedro de Jesús Maldonado. Omar is an engineer and Ana is an elementary school teacher. Although they are both involved and love their church, Omar, who works from home, is more visible during the week. He frequently brings the youngest children to daily Mass and is engaged with them in teaching them how to behave but most importantly to pay attention to what is happening during Mass.”

One story that stands out as a beautiful example of Stewardship is when Fr. Saúl asked Omar if he would build crosses for the Way of the Cross on Good Friday. Omar immediately said yes and embraced the opportunity with joy and excitement. Shortly after committing to the project, he came to tell Fr.Saúl that the entire family was now involved. A few days later, Santiago, the oldest Ontiveros son, built a cross on his own while his parents were in a meeting and donated it to the mission. It now sits in the parish garden. Father is convinced that Sebastian learned this from Omar’s example.

For more information about the 2020 Steward of the Year contest, please contact Stewardship Coordinator Karina Sandoval at 915-872-8412 or ksandoval@elpasodiocese.org.

Photo Credit: Daily Herald; Fernie Ceniceros, Diocese of El Paso