Rosa Thorpe, a lifelong parishioner of St. Patrick, is a radiant testament to the transformative power of faith and service. For over 25 years, she has devoted herself wholeheartedly to serving in ministry, embodying the spirit of love and compassion in every aspect of her work. From serving as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion and Lector to her pivotal role as the Parish Catechetical Leader, Rosa’s dedication to nurturing the faith of our youth is beyond inspiring. Her love for God and infectious joy serve as a beacon of hope and light within our community, illuminating the path and serving as an example of discipleship for all who encounter her.
In a heartfelt conversation with Rosa, she shared a poignant moment of surrender and promise to God, a pledge to serve Him faithfully for the rest of her days. This simple yet profound commitment has shaped every aspect of her life, guiding her actions and instilling a deep gratitude for God’s abundant blessings. With humility and reverence, Rosa reminds us that everything we have comes from God, and it is our baptismal obligation to respond with generosity and service, just as Jesus did.
Rosa’s unwavering faith and dedication to serving God and others shine brightly in her advocacy for the Progress Annual Ministry Appeal. Through her insightful words, she emphasizes the vital role of the appeal in sustaining and nurturing the ministries of our diocese. From providing formation opportunities for potential ministers to supporting discernment for priesthood and diaconate, the appeal ensures that our parishes are equipped with well-formed and well-educated leaders who can minister effectively to the faithful.
“Remember, everything we have and are comes from God. Nothing belongs to us. We are nothing and can do nothing without Him. As part of our baptismal obligation, we are all called to serve just as Jesus did. Whether it is with our time, our talents or our treasure, each of us, with our unique circumstances and abilities, has a special role to play in our parish. Maybe you don’t have the time right now because you are raising a family, and every minute of your day is dedicated to raising that family. Or, maybe you feel you have no talents your parish can use. Or maybe your paycheck does not cover all your expenses. God knows all of this. But just remember that everything comes from God—your time, your talents, and your treasure. God is waiting to help you through your sharing of yourself. Now is the time to share what God has given you with your parish.” said Rosa.
Even amidst the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, Rosa’s steadfast commitment to her promise to God remains unwavering. In a moment of reflection, she acknowledges she felt the need to “maybe” slow down a bit, only to be gently reminded by God of her lifelong pledge to serve Him. With a joyful heart and a resolute spirit, Rosa continues to embrace her calling with humility and grace, inspiring us all to approach life’s challenges with unwavering faith and trust in God’s providence. May we all be as joyous and faithful as Rosa in our journey of discipleship. Thanks be to God!