Radiant Examples of Faith: Paul Raynoha
Radiant Examples of Faith: Paul Raynoha

Paul Raynoha, along with his beautiful wife Irene, moved to El Paso from Arizona in 2020 after Irene was diagnosed with a serious illness. Their new home for retirement was chosen with a deep desire to be near a church, and the Lord answered their prayers by blessing them with a home right behind St. Stephen, Deacon and Martyr Parish. Paul fondly mentions how they can hear the church bells from their backyard and often walk to Mass. Their faith journey has been marked by a strong commitment to ministry, starting from Paul’s high school years where he served as a Lector and Altar Server, to their active involvement at St. Ann’s Parish in Gilbert, AZ, and now at St. Stephen.

At St. Stephen, Paul serves as a Proclaimer of the Word, an Extraordinary Minister of Communion, and a Sacristan. He is also deeply involved with the Migrant Ministry at Holy Family and the Martyrs Hall Migrant Hospitality Center. When asked about his passion for serving, Paul’s response was simple yet profound: “Christ told us we are here to serve.” He reminisced about watching his mother minister communion at an assisted living facility, a memory that has always inspired him. For Paul, there is an excitement that comes from being part of something bigger, a community of faith united in service.

Paul understands the importance of supporting efforts like the Progress Annual Ministry Appeal. He highlighted that many people don’t realize how much money is needed to operate and sustain our ministries and parishes. “If we only knew and took into account the need, maybe awareness could be the problem. We need to be more transparent and provide a better summarized report to show where the monies are going. Maybe then parishioners would truly understand,” he explained. Paul stressed that our priests and deacons are spread very thin, and we cannot expect them to do everything themselves. It is crucial for laypeople to step up and support the church’s mission.

Encouraging others to serve is something Paul does naturally. He shared how he would approach someone by saying, “Hey, you have a good voice, you would make a good Lector. Have you ever thought of that?” For Paul, serving with his wife Irene is particularly meaningful. “We complement one another, me in English and her in Spanish. She leads, and I follow,” he said with a smile. Their partnership in ministry brings them joy and exemplifies the beauty of serving together as a couple.

Paul’s message to others is clear and inspiring: “Do what you can. There are so many ways we can serve, and you serve when you can. God will bless you for your service.” He is proud of the incredible volunteers at St. Stephen, mentioning Eli and Martin, who are instrumental in keeping the lot clean, and Lalo, who picks up cardboard boxes at Holy Family. Currently, Paul and Irene, in collaboration with Phil Romero from Great American Pizza Factory and Rocky and Lei at Doughnuts Hot & Fresh Kolaches, are coordinating pizzas and doughnuts weekly to support Holy Family and Martyrs Hall. In conclusion, Paul and Irene Raynoha are an exemplary model of the ministry of marriage, blessing many with their abundance of service. Their story is a powerful reminder that, as Paul said, “Christ told us we are here to serve.” Their dedication, faith, and love for their parish community inspire us all to step forward and serve and give with joy and gratitude.