Radiant Examples of Faith: Dominga Villegas
Radiant Examples of Faith: Dominga Villegas

Dominga’s lifelong dedication to Santa Rosa de Lima parish is a testament to her profound love for God and unwavering commitment to serving His people. As an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, a Lector, and now stepping into temporarily assisting with the catechists, Dominga exemplifies the spirit of selfless service and leadership within the Santa Rosa de Lima community. Her journey of faith is deeply intertwined with her devotion to her husband, Deacon Rudy Villegas, as together they embody the essence of partnership in ministry. Dominga’s love for God drives all her actions, inspiring others to cultivate a deeper relationship with the Lord and to embrace the call to serve with all their hearts, minds, and souls.

In every word spoken, every action taken, and every life touched, Dominga and Deacon Rudy demonstrate their unwavering faith and commitment to serving God and His people. Together, they embody the transformative power of love and service, inspiring all who cross their path to embrace the call to discipleship and to live out their faith in tangible ways. Their legacy of faith, love, and service will shine brightly in the West Texas community, illuminating the path to God’s kingdom and transforming lives for the glory of His Name.

In her own words, Dominga shares her profound admiration for saints like Mother Teresa and St. Francis of Assisi, whose lives serve as guiding lights in her own spiritual journey. She strives to emulate their examples of selfless love and service, recognizing the immense privilege and responsibility of following in their footsteps. Through her dedication to learning and immolating the saints, Dominga demonstrates a profound reverence for the rich tradition of holiness within the Church, seeking to embody their virtues and share their love for God with others.

Dominga’s impassioned advocacy for supporting the Progress Annual Ministry Appeal reflects her deep understanding of our parish ministries’ vital role in nurturing the community’s faith. From funding the formation of future priests and deacons to catechizing our youth and maintaining our church buildings, Dominga recognizes the urgent need to sustain and support the lifeblood of our parishes through our ministries. Her unwavering commitment to catechesis, instilled in her youth, highlights the importance of passing on the faith to the next generation and ensuring the continued vitality of the Church for years to come.

Dominga emphasizes, “We need to live our life focused on Jesus eyes. There are times when you will be criticized and crucified. You will be thrown to the floor because there are people that do not like to see you serve. We may go through attacks, but we cannot let those attacks discourage us from our service. We need look into His eyes hold His hand and continue on the journey He has called us too. I could go on and on, says Dominga, but once again sometimes we may fall short of words, then we ask Him for the words, but we need to learn to love and work with one another and do everything for God’s glory and not our own. All for the glory of God! We must all fall in love with God, give and serve, we need our church, we need more committed Catholics, instead of criticism we need Catholics. We must answer our Baptismal call; we need to Build His Kingdom!”

In her tireless efforts to live out her baptismal call and bear witness to the Gospel in her daily life, Dominga challenges us all to love until it hurts, just as Mother Teresa encouraged. Through her example of selfless love and dedication to service, Dominga inspires us to deepen our relationship with God, embrace our baptismal identity as priests, prophets, and kings, and contribute wholeheartedly to the flourishing of our parish communities. Truly, God does not create coincidences; instead, He orchestrates beautiful moments of grace and calling in each of our lives, just as He has done in Dominga’s.