Progress Ministry Spotlight: Diocesan Office of Communications
Progress Ministry Spotlight: Diocesan Office of Communications

Fernie Ceniceros and Norma Muñoz are the duo who bring you the latest and most current news from Bishop Mark Seitz and the Diocese of El Paso.

The Office of Communications is tasked with evangelizing the people of God in the Diocese of El Paso using a variety of digital and traditional communication media. The communications office oversees the Rio Grande Catholic, the online 24/7 broadcast of The Bridge Catholic radio, all diocesan digital social media, the diocesan website, and media relations between the Diocese and local and national media and press.

Fernie Ceniceros is the head of the Office of Communications. He is the Public Information Officer, Editor of the Rio Grande Catholic, and all services and communications provided by the office are under his supervision. Fernie is also the person behind the camera for Bishop’s Sunday Masses and all photo shoots across the Diocese. He ensures that Masses from St. Charles Borromeo Seminary and mid-day prayer from the Diocese Pastoral Center are live streamed on a daily basis. Fernie, a former seminarian for the Diocese of El Paso who eventually chose married life, brings his passion for the Catholic faith and the skills he learned working with large school districts to create multimedia resources to share with the El Paso community. Fernie’s focus is to tell the Catholic stories that communicate the latest messages from our Bishop, clergy and community.

Norma Muñoz serves as the Radio Program Director for The Bridge. She brings you daily worship, conducts one-on-one interviews with pastors, and delivers the latest news and announcements from parishes in Diocese of El Paso. Norma says she’s grateful to be able to help the Diocese during the Covid-19 pandemic, particularly because so many are working and going to school from home. She had to jump in and learn quickly in order to be ready to use the technology necessary to bring Holy Week services to the Catholic community. She helped pastors learn how to use Facebook streaming options, and made herself more available to her community of radio listeners who were eager to be connected with the Diocese during these challenging times. “I really enjoy sending greetings to the latest graduate or playing my radio listeners’ song requests.”

Fernie and Norma work hard every day to bring you the voices of Bishop Mark and our united diocesan community led by our clergy and religious, as well as the Holy Sacraments. Catholic parish life as we all knew it is probably not coming back soon. That makes the work of this ministry that much more important during these challenging times. Reopening will be gradual and you can count on the Office of Communications to continue to bring you Mass, news, and great content until we can gather fully again and continue once we’ve gotten back to our new normal.

The Office of Communications is a ministry supported by Progress, the Catholic Ministry Appeal. To help support spreading the Good News through the Office of Communications, please donate to Progress, especially during these unprecedented times. For questions and more information, please contact Progress Coordinator Martha Marmolejo at or 915-872-8412.