As we approach Valentine’s Day, a time when love and kindness are celebrated in every corner of our lives, the Catholic Foundation for the Diocese of El Paso invites you to share your love in a way that will make a meaningful difference. This year, the Sacred Heart Mission in Valentine, Texas, is reaching out to our extended Catholic community to help bring warmth, hope, and compassion to help them with dire improvements to their parish like a new roof and indoor plumbing.
The Sacred Heart Mission has long been a beacon of support for individuals and families facing hardship in this small, tight-knit town. This Mission dates back to the 1800s and still serves Mass to parishioners on Sundays.
However, the winter months are particularly challenging as donations often slow down and the need for resources becomes greater. As we prepare for Valentine’s Day, we’re asking for your help to ensure that the Mission can continue its vital work and serve the families of Valentine, TX.
This Valentine’s Day, let’s show that love is more than a feeling—it’s an action. Your support for the Sacred Heart Mission is a powerful reminder that, in a world full of challenges, kindness can transform lives. Together, we can spread love and compassion to every corner of Valentine, Texas.
Dedicate a gift to your Valentine this year by donating to the Sacred Heart Mission in Valentine, Texas. You can donate online below or by calling 915-872-8412. We’ll send your Valentine a Heart and let them know you donated in their name.