Important Information About Year-End Giving 2019
Important Information About Year-End Giving 2019

About 2019 Year-End Gifts

If you’re like most people, you genuinely want to make the world a better place. So whether you feel an affinity to your parish, Catholic school, or a ministry, the Foundation will appreciate whatever donations you can make. Don’t be thwarted by not having millions or thousands to give — even small donations can go a long way.

The end of the calendar year is a time when many people make charitable gifts and take advantage of the tax benefits for doing so. A gift before December 31 can benefit you by reducing your income taxes while providing meaningful support for the Catholic Foundation. Members of the Foundation’s development staff will be in the office during the holidays to answer questions about making a gift before 2019 closes.

Choose one of these convenient options:

  1. Make a gift or pay an existing pledge online.
  2. To complete your transaction by phone, please call (915 872-8412.
  3. To deliver your gift, please visit the Foundation at 499 St. Matthews Street, Building G.
  4. To mail your gift, please send a check to: Foundation for the Diocese of El Paso, P.O. Box 17993, El Paso, Texas 79917 and include your favorite ministry, parish, or school fund in the memo.

End of year timing for the receipt of all gifts and pledges

Cash & Checks:

Gifts must be received by Tuesday, December 31, 2019 at 3 p.m. MST

Electronic Transfer/Federal Wire:

All electronic transfers of funds should be in the Foundation for the Diocese of El Paso bank account before the close of the banking day by Tuesday, December 31, 2019 at 2:00pm MST. Call (915) 872-8412 for electronic transfer/wire instructions.

Credit Card Payments:

If faxed, received in U.S. mail, hand-delivered, or phoned in, gifts must be received by the Foundation staff by Tuesday, December 31, 2019 at 3:00pm MST on in order to be manually processed. Web gifts must be completed by 11:59pm MST on Tuesday, December 31, 2019.

IRA Charitable Rollover:

You may be able to make a tax-free charitable gift through an IRA Rollover. To learn more about this possibility, please contact Major Gifts Officer Sofía Larkinat (915) 872-8412.

Stocks & Other Securities:

Physical hand deliveries must be received by the Foundation staff by Tuesday, December 31, 2019 at 3:00pm MST.

Securities must be in the Foundation for the Diocese of El Paso account before the close of business on Tuesday, December 31, 2019. Donors should be careful to give their brokers time to complete the transaction. This usually requires a minimum of 3 business days, but may take longer if volumes are high. The donor should be sure to notify the Foundation of their intention to deliver securities so that the donation may be identified and recorded in a timely manner. Failure to notify may result in delay. Please call for stock/securities transfer instructions.

Securities sent to the Foundation by private carrier (i.e. Federal Express, UPS, etc.) must be received by Foundation staff by Tuesday, December 31, 2019 at 3:00pm MST. Review USPS delivery expectations regarding 1st class mail, etc.


If received by mail, pledges must be received by Foundation Accounting staff by Tuesday, December 31, 2019 at 3:00pm MST. If hand delivered, pledges must be dated on or before Tuesday, December 31, 2019 and delivered to Foundation staff by 3:00pm MST.


Gift receipts will be sent within 7-10 days from the date the gift was processed, except in times of high volume where longer processing time occurs. Receipts will reflect the date the gift was received. Donors should consult with their CPA or tax preparer to determine the tax consequences of their donation. Foundation for the Diocese of El Paso Tax ID: 74-2983483.

Foundation staff will be back at work on January 2, 2019. Thank you for another great year!

If you have any questions regarding these guidelines, please contact Sofía Larkin at (915) 872-8412.