Donate on Giving Day and Help Bishop Mark Seitz Fund the Migrant Ministry Fund!
Donate on Giving Day and Help Bishop Mark Seitz Fund the Migrant Ministry Fund!

El Paso Giving Day is on October 17 of this week, and the Catholic Foundation for the Diocese of El Paso, needs your support! We invite you to help us reach our goal of $10,000 to add to Bishop Mark Seitz’s Migrant Ministry Fund. This fund is going to help the Office of Migrant Hospitality and their humanitarian efforts. They need funding for rehabilitating migrant homes in the Diocese, such as the one at Holy Family. They also need money to feed migrants, prepare hygiene packs, purchase bus tickets for relocation, and provide water at designated areas in the desert where migrants are dying from heat exhaustion.

Giving is simple: you can make your donation online here . You can meet Father Jarek, Director of the Holy Family Migrant Center, and see a virtual tour of the home he runs!

Fr. Jarek made postcards of images from migrants that a traveling photographer took and those will be given to donors that donate over $500 to the fund. After making your gift, inspire your friends, family, and colleagues to soar & give more! Tag @catholicfoundationelpaso and use the #EPGD2024 hashtag to join the online excitement!

‘For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me. ‘ Matthew 25:35-37

Thank you for your support of the Catholic Foundation for the Diocese of El Paso and for being a part of the El Paso Giving Day movement!

Download the brochure! Migrant Ministry Brochure