Faith and Legacy: Catholic Insights on Estate Planning
Faith and Legacy: Catholic Insights on Estate Planning

August is National “Make a Will Month”! The Catholic Foundation for the Diocese of El Paso cordially invite you to an informative seminar about Catholic Insights on Estate Planning and End of Life and preparing for a new life in heaven.

These seminars are free and open to the public. This is not a fundraiser.

Doors open at 5 pm for refreshments. The seminar runs from 6pm-8pm.

The topics that will be covered by a priest and a panel of experts are wills, trusts, power of attorney for health & finance, probate court, and end-of-life decisions like cremation and preparing your family for your wishes.

We encourage you to attend. Whether you have a will or trust, or you have NOT planned for the end of life, you will learn insightful information.

You can RSVP to Elizabeth Milan at the Catholic Foundation at: or 915-872-8412.