Catholic Diocese of El Paso Counts More Than 77,000 Faithful Attending Catholic Churches
Catholic Diocese of El Paso Counts More Than 77,000 Faithful Attending Catholic Churches

The Diocese of El Paso conducted a Mass Attendance Count in all parishes on the weekend of October 15 and 16, 2016. This new initiative counted how many parishioners are attending Mass, including all Masses held that weekend in English, Spanish, and bilingually.

According to Karina Sandoval, the Stewardship Coordinator for the Foundation for the Diocese of El Paso, the total number of parishioners attending Mass over the weekend was of 77,096 in 65 churches throughout the 10 counties of the Diocese of El Paso. A total of 40,386 parishioners attended Mass in Spanish, 27,018 in English, and 9,692 attended bilingual Masses or Masses held in a different language.

The Mass Attendance Count is being coordinated by the Foundation for the Diocese of El Paso under the Office of Stewardship. According to Sandoval, the Mass Attendance Count will become an annual practice in the diocese and will help churches and the diocese plan for the future and improve services provided to families.

For more information or to request Stewardship resources, please contact Karina Sandoval at 915.872.8412 or

Photo: Joe Najera, Diocese of El Paso