The Catholic Foundation for the Diocese of El Paso Tax Identification Number is 74-2983483.
To thank you for supporting the future of our Catholic faith, we’d like to share Giving Docs, a free estate-planning tool to help you support your own future. Take 10 minutes to write your will and protect your blessings. Get started on your free resources for estate planning documents.
If you wish to inform the Catholic Foundation of your intentions to leave a bequest to support the people and community of the Diocese of El Paso for years to come, a sample document is available to inform the Catholic Foundation.
Making a Qualified Charitable Distribution from your traditional IRA has many benefits. It allows you to avoid paying income tax on the required distributions from your IRA account. A QCD will enable you to make generous charitable contributions to a fund or organization of your choice. A QCD helps you avoid paying income tax on a Required Minimum Distribution from your traditional IRA. You can make a gift to a parish, ministry, school, or Catholic organization by donating your RMD to charity. Rather than pay income tax on the RMD from your traditional IRA, you can donate the RMD to charity tax-free or establish a new fund at the Catholic Foundation. Another benefit of a QCD is creating a legacy gift in your family’s name that would continue to give back to a parish or school or your choice in perpetuity. A gift like this could outlive you!
For more information on Qualified Charitable Distributions, consult your tax advisor or IRA administrator to learn more. The Catholic Foundation for the Diocese of El Paso wants to help you give charitably in a way that is meaningful to you. We work with individuals, couples, and families who want to make a difference in the lives of others. If you’re interested in learning more, please don’t hesitate to call us at (915) 872-8412.
In order to make a bequest, you can do so using GIvingDocs or you can speak with your attorney. Your attorney can help you include a bequest to your parish, school, favorite ministry or charity, or to use where most needed in your estate plan. We have provided some basic bequest language to assist you and your attorney.
“I bequeath to the Catholic Foundation for the Diocese of El Paso, a Texas non-profit corporation, the sum of (x) dollars for the (x) Fund.”
“I bequeath to the Catholic Foundation for the Diocese of El Paso, a Texas non-profit corporation, the sum of (x) dollars for the (charity, parish, school, ministry name) Endowment Fund.” (Please contact the Catholic Foundation and we will supply precise language to convey your intention. A minimum gift of $10,000 is required to establish a named endowment fund. Lesser amounts may be added to existing endowment funds).
“I bequeath to the Catholic Foundation for the Diocese of El Paso, a Texas non-profit corporation, my… (home, land, etc.).” Note: Bequests of real property require special handling.
“I bequeath to the Catholic Foundation for the Diocese of El Paso, a Texas non-profit corporation, ___% of my adjusted gross estate as finally determined for federal estate tax purposes.”
“I devise and bequeath the residue of the property owned by me at my death, real and personal and wherever situate, to the Catholic Foundation for the Diocese of El Paso, a Texas non-profit corporation.”
If you’d like to mail us your donation, please download and complete this form and send it to P.O. Box 17993, El Paso, Texas 79917.